
Corporate Announcements


FY 2020-21FY 2020-21FY 2016-17FY 2015-16FY 2015-16FY 2014-15FY 2014-15FY 2014-15FY 2014-15FY 2014-15FY 2013-14FY 2013-14FY 2013-14FY 2012-13FY 2012-13FY 2012-13FY 2012-13FY 2012-13FY 2012-13FY 2011-12FY 2011-12FY 2011-12
Voting Results & Scrutinizer’s Report of 23rd AGM ( For FY 2016-17) held on 29th June 2020Download
Proceedings of 23rd AGM ( For FY 2016-17) held on 29th June 2020Download
Voting Results & Scrutinizer’s Report of AGM 30th September, 2016Download
Proceedings of AGM 28th September, 2015Download
Scrutinizer Report 28th September, 2015Download
Postal Ballot Results 11th March, 2015Download
Proceedings of AGM 29th September, 2014Download
Scrutinizer Report 28th September, 2015Download
Corrigendum for result of AGM 29th September, 2014Download
Postal Ballot Results 11th August, 2014Download
Postal Ballot Results 26th March, 2014Download
Proceedings of AGM 26th September, 2013Download
Clause 35A result of AGM 26th September, 2013Download
Proceedings of EGM 15th November, 2012Download
Clause 35A result of EGM 15th November, 2012Download
Proceedings of AGM 26th September, 2012Download
Clause 35A result of AGM 26th September, 2012Download
Proceedings of EGM 16th July, 2012Download
Clause 35A result of EGM 16th July, 2012Download
Proceedings of AGM 24th September, 2011Download
Postal Ballot Results 26th July, 2011Download
Postal Ballot Results 14th April, 2011Download